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A large number of studies have shown that microwave radiation can cause a series of adverse reactions in the central nervous system, including sleep disorders in addition to learning and memory impairments. radiation with wavelengths. Dasdag et al. Qutob S, Chauhan V, Bellier P, Yauk C, Douglas G, Berndt L, et al. 2012;3:3440. 2003;140:147. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40779-017-0139-0, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40779-017-0139-0. Article Bioelectromagnetics. : a biochemical study on mouse brain. 2008;29:52738. Describes the health effects on six men exposed to high levels of RF radiation (100 MHz) while working on transmission masts. Electromagn Biol Med. After 28days, the levels of Glu and Tau in the hippocampus and cerebrospinal fluid were lower, indicating that the cognitive damage induced by microwave radiation is associated with a decrease in Glu [66, 67]. Gold PE. PubMed Kayhan H, Esmekaya MA, Saglam AS, Tuysuz MZ, Canseven AG, Yagci AM, et al. The biological effects of RF energy are proportional to the rate of ener-gy absorption, and the level of absorption varies little with fre-quency. Of the numerous studies performed to explore the effects of mobile communication devices on humans, only a few have shown that cell phones and brain tumors are statistically correlated. The normal function of synaptic vesicles depends on the normal expression of related proteins. Thus, these results suggest that the 2.4W/kg GSM 1800MHz microwaves may reduce excitatory synaptic activity and the number of excitatory synapses in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. Li-Feng Wang or Xiang-Jun Hu. It influences both learning and memory in rats [67]. Caubet R, Pedarros-Caubet F, Chu M, Freye E, de Belem RM, Moreau J, et al. Positive results were obtained in Morris water maze tests that demonstrated that microwaves influenced learning and memory in rats. pability of the body (thus, a thermal effect), whereas the standard of the U.S.S.R. and Poland are based upon the interaction of the microwave fields with the brain and central nervous system as measured by neurological or behavior effects. Qutob et al. After exposure to microwave radiation, during synaptic structural plasticity, presynaptic vesicles accumulate or empty, mitochondria are damaged, postsynaptic membranes are perforated, postsynaptic lengths and postsynaptic density distributions are abnormal, mossy fiber growth is inhibited during learning and memory functions, dendritic filopodial densities and activities are decreased, and there is a significant reduction of the dendritic spine density and dendritic fragment length [62]. Othman H, Ammari M, Sakly M, Abdelmelek H. Effects of prenatal exposure to WIFI signal (2.45 GHz) on postnatal development and behavior in rat: influence of maternal restraint. In the group treated with 0.8W/kg, there was no significant change. Trends Neurosci. The progeny brain oxidative balance and serum biochemistry, such as phosphorus, magnesium, glucose, triglycerides and calcium levels, were disrupted [60]. Mobile Effects on Human Body - slideshare.net Evaluation of Psychologic parameters in people occupationally exposed to radiofrequencies and microwave. This conclusion is consistent with the results of a previously reported study that showed that short-term exposure to microwave radiation can reduce reaction times and improve cognitive functions, attention and short-term memory capacity [28,29,30,31,32,33,34]. Hans Hertel, a Swiss food scientist, initiated the first tests on microwaved food and microwave cooking to determine how microwaves affect human physiology and the blood. Mack et al. Resulting Effects on the Human Body. 1 GHz and 300 GHz. Particularly, the dramatically increasing number of mobile phones users rise significant concerns due to its potential damage on people exposed by radiofrequency waves. Int J Radiat Biol. The microwave will do its intended job of heating and will start to burn (or cook) the skin tissue. Motawi et al. Behav Brain Res. [84] and Sharma et al. Nat Med. Merola P, Marino C, Lovisolo G, Pinto R, Laconi C, Negroni A. Wang et al. However, it concurrently also declared that the carcinogenic potential of mobile communications equipment was limited to glioma [4]. Neuroreport. Phot J. Maternal exposure to Wi-Fi radio frequencies led to various adverse neurological effects in the offspring. After exposure, the levels of 2 waves in the hypothalamus increased more than those in the cortex, leading to a significant reduction in the deviation of the two EGGs. Microwaves are widely used in broadcasting, communications and many industrial fields. Chronic exposure to GSM 1800-MHz microwaves reduces excitatory synaptic activity in cultured hippocampal neurons. 2016;53:210011. To determine the precise dose-effect relationship between microwave radiation and its biological effects, further detailed studies must be performed. ranging from as long as one meter to as short as one. However, its beneficial effects should not be ignored [26]. Microwaves are widely used in broadcasting, communications and many industrial fields. Chin J Radiol Med Prot. 2009;4:e4389. Schz J, Jacobsen R, Olsen JH, Boice JD, McLaughlin JK, Johansen C. Cellular telephone use and cancer risk: update of a nationwide Danish cohort. Handheld cellular telephone use and risk of brain cancer. 1994;8:714. In addition, glucose is also related to cognitive functions, and reductions in the metabolism and uptake of glucose have been observed in local regions of the brain in Alzheimers patients [107, 108]. 2017;52:23947. 2000;6:18793. [65] irradiated Wistar rats with 10, 30 and 50mW/cm2 microwaves, and the results showed that in the cerebral cortex, only glycine (Gly) and asparagine (Asp) levels were increased. Joubert et al. The final apoptosis score in the exposed group was significantly reduced, and the total antioxidant capacity and catalysis observed in the experimental group was increased. [14] found that gliomas are not preferentially located in the parts of the brain with the highest exposure. This effect is similar to the decrease observed in NR2B in rats. Research continues on possible biological effects of exposure to RF/MW radiation from radios, cellular phones, the processing and cooking of foods, heat . The effects of microwave radiation on protein synthesis in brain remain undetermined. CAS Regional changes in brain glucose metabolism reflect cognitive impairments in aged rats. Effect of a 915-MHz simulated mobile phone signal on cognitive function in man. Human SH-SY5YNB cells were exposed to 2.1GHz W-CDMA modulated microwave radiation for 24h at a specific absorption rate of 0.491W/kg. Ito K, Hirao A, Arai F, Takubo K, Matsuoka S, Miyamoto K, et al. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. In contrast, a central injection of a glucose carrier inhibitor induced injury to memories [110]. One of the bad impacts a microwave has on humans, is that some of the acids in the food people put in the microwave, gets transformed into a type of acid which turns poisonous. Correspondence to [21, 22] found a higher incidence of brain cancer in radar technicians and a shortened incubation period (i.e., less than 10years). Cite this article. Singh et al. . [85] found that protein levels were reduced in rat brains following microwave radiation, which may have been caused by the excessive consumption or a reduction of the synthesis of proteins, and reduced protein synthesis can be caused by the following processes: (1) excessive activation of RNA enzymes; (2) mRNA consumption or the formation and maturation of RNA enzymes. 2003;14:2436. Recent advances in the effects of microwave radiation on brains. Cellular telephones and cancera nationwide cohort study in Denmark. found that long-term treatment with a low dose of microwave radiation reduced the activity and the number of excitatory synapses. Sleep EEG alterations: effects of pulsed magnetic fields versus pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Sanders AP, Joines WT. 2010;86:37683. An abnormal EEG is closely associated with damaged cognitive ability. [58] exposed volunteers to microwaves at a frequency of 450MHz for 10 repeated intervals of 1min of irradiation and 1min off. The levels of NMDA receptor subunits were increased 1 month after irradiation. Mobile phone use facilitates memory in male, but not female, subjects. [62] irradiated Wistar rats, hippocampal synaptosomes and differentiated PC12 cells using microwaves (average power density, 30mW/cm2) for 5min, and the results showed that the post-exposure spatial memory of the rats was significantly decreased, the post-exposure levels of phosphorylated synapsin I (p-synapsin I) and GABA were decreased in the rat and cell experiments, and the post-exposure levels of vesicular GABA transporter and p-synapsin I were increased in small clear synaptic vesicles (which were abnormally assembled in presynaptic terminals) in the rat experiments. [105] identified stable C-T mutation sites at 217 points by screening for SNPs in the GRIN2B promoter region in rats. MicroRNAs in neuronal function and dysfunction. Brain Res Rev. Bioelectromagnetics. Annu Rev Physiol. 2015;51:15865. Vorobyov V, Janac B, Pesic V, Prolic Z. Therefore, the central nervous system is considered one of the most sensitive organs that is targeted by microwave radiation [1, 2]. Zhi, WJ., Wang, LF. 1 Microwave radiation may also lead to skin cancer/health problems when we are within the radius of a cell phone tower in a certain specified limited distance. Int J Radiat Biol. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. Article A significant increase in ROS levels and DNA fragmentation were observed only after the astrocytes were exposed to modulated EMF for 20min, perhaps as a result of hyperstimulation of glutamate receptors. [39] exposed rats to microwaves (500 pps, pulse width=2s, and average whole body-specific absorption rate (SAR)=0.6W/kg) for an exposure duration of 45min, and a significant decline was observed in the rats performance, indicating that microwave radiation influenced their working memory. After studying these effects, Hertel concluded that microwaving food leads to food degeneration. Repeated Wi-Fi studies show that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload. 2013;23:306. Exp Neurobiol. Eastern J Med. Predictors and overestimation of recalled mobile phone use among children and adolescents. Acetylcholine modulation of neural systems involved in learning and memory. Ellis CE, Murphy EJ, Mitchell DC, Golovko MY, Scaglia F, Barcel-Coblijn GC, et al. Li Z, Peng RY, Wang SM, Wang LF, Gao YB, Ji D, et al. Modulation of HSP response in SH-SY5Y cells following exposure to microwaves of a mobile phone. 2014;12:75. PubMed Central 2010;1347:17985. biological effects of electromagnetic waves started to be discussed. PDF What effects do mobile phones have on people's health? BMJ. Because a childs nervous system is growing and their head is more vulnerable to radiation energy, studies that have specifically addressed whether the nervous systems of children are more susceptible to electromagnetic radiation have been performed. Google Scholar. [64] exposed cultured rat hippocampal neurons to GSM 1800MHz microwaves (SAR, 2.4W/kg) and observed a selective decrease in the amplitude of -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-soxazole propionic acid (AMPA) miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs). It is widely accepted that protein synthesis occurs in neuronal dendrites and may be the cellular basis of learning and memory, during which local protein synthesis and synaptic plasticity are closely linked to the efficiency of communication between neurons. CAS Electromagn Biol Med. Their answers to questionnaires showed that the workers suffered from symptoms including headaches, fatigue, stress and sleeplessness. Electromagnetic radiation can be absorbed by organisms, in which it causes a series of physiological and functional changes. Microwaving Food Leads to a Negative Impact on Human Physiology & the Heart. Low intensity microwave radiation induced oxidative stress, inflammatory response and DNA damage in rat brain. 2002;57:2702. Article 2.45 GHz Microwave Radiation Impairs Learning and Spatial Memory via Oxidative/Nitrosative Stress Induced p53-Dependent/Independent Hippocampal Apoptosis: Molecular Basis and Underlying Mechanism. Microwaves can influence mitochondria by damaging their structure [45], reducing ATP levels and affecting the activity of relevant enzymes such as succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and cytochrome coxidase (COX) [119,120,121]. However, in rats treated with long-term exposure to radiation, neurons exhibit edema and are arranged irregularly. 1994;15:95104. The frequencies of these devices are listed in Table1. Acta Neurol Belg. Role of distinct NMDA receptor subtypes at central synapses. However, other reports have indicated that unlike ionizing radiation, the microwave radiation produced by mobile phones does not possess sufficient energy to directly damage DNA. Many intricate electrical activities occur in the central nervous system, including learning and memory, which are therefore vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation. Bioelectromagnetics. However, there is little scientific evidence to demonstrate that children are more sensitive to electromagnetic radiation than adults [24, 25]. Article After irradiation was applied for 2h/d for 60 d, the authors observed the following: microwave radiation produced by mobile phones damaged the brains of adult and young rats, the damage caused by mobile phones in the calling state was significantly more severe than that observed in the standby group, and the neurons of young rats were more seriously injured than those of adult rats. 2010;28:445. The authors therefore proposed that synaptic conduction disorders are associated with damage to cognitive functions. It addresses the impact on developing head and brain tumours, other morbidity-related outcomes and summarizes the biological effects of RF and microwave radiation. Eliyahu I, Luria R, Hareuveny R, Margaliot M, Meiran N, Shani G. Effects of radiofrequency radiation emitted by cellular telephones on the cognitive functions of humans. 2012;35:32534. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. Glucose is the main energy source and is closely related to brain neurotransmitters and cholesterol synthesis [106]. 2017;38:106976. Gold PE. Zhao L, Sun C, Xiong L, Yang Y, Gao Y, Wang L, et al. The biological effects of radio waves on human body tissues - ResearchGate 1992;49:1818. Dendritic spines, which are small protrusions that extend from dendritic shafts, are also cellular compartments containing signaling molecules that are important for synaptic transmission and plasticity [88,89,90,91]. statement and Zhang et al. Thus, Cosquer et al. Qiao et al. 2015;91:42634. EEG data reflect the functional state of the brain by enlarging the autologous weak bioelectricity recorded by the EEG-recording instrument [47]. In communications, the microwaves come from mobile phones and their base stations and microwave links, in addition to cordless phones, terrestrial trunked radios, blue tooth devices, wireless local area networks and many other applications. Functional plasticity is affected in other ways, including the abnormal release and uptake of brain amino acids such as choline and monoamine neurotransmitters, a decrease in excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitudes and spikes in long-term potentiating (LTP) in the medial perforated pathway (MPP) in the dentate gyrus (DG) [27]. Numerous studies have shown that increased acetylcholine is related to promotion of the effect of glucose on memory [112,113,114]. Thus, in the early developmental stage, chronic exposure to 2.4W/kg GSM microwaves may influence dendritic development and the formation of excitatory synapses in cultures of hippocampal neurons. 2016;397:2239. Arch Environ Health. Specifically, the Federal Communications . Baer C, Claus R, Plass C. Genome-wide epigenetic regulation of miRNAs in cancer. [46] found that by excessively activating the NMDA receptor signaling pathway, microwaves undermine hippocampal synaptic plasticity, explaining the damage observed in learning and memory abilities in radiated rats. LTP induction involves a signal transduction cascade that includes the release of glutamate from synaptic vesicles, activation of NMDAR at postsynaptic membranes, entry of Ca2+, and activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaM kinases) II, IV and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) [71]. Muscat JE, Malkin MG, Thompson S, Shore RE, Stellman SD, McRee D, et al. However, most studies have not supported the conclusion that cell phones cause brain tumors [8,9,10,11,12]. Additionally, Larjabaara et al. 2012;31:6774. Rf and mw radiation hazards - SlideShare millimeter, or equivalently. Kesari KK, Behari J. Fifty-gigahertz microwave exposure effect of radiations on rat brain. Wang Q, Cao Z. The effect of Wi-Fi electromagnetic waves in unimodal and multimodal object recognition tasks in male rats. Otto M, von Mhlendahl KE. J Radiat Res (Tokyo). broad definition in terms of frequencies between. J Natl Cancer Inst. (PDF) Electromagnetic Radiation and Human Health. 2008;22:9927. Bull Exp Biol Med. Google Scholar. Perentos A, Cuesta-Soto F, Canciamilla A, Vidal B, Pierno L, Losilla NS, et al. To determine the specific dose-effect relationship between microwave radiation and its biological effects, more intensive studies must be performed. Recent advances in the effects of microwave radiation on brains, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40779-017-0139-0, Dysfunction of learning and memory abilities, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. So foods which have high water content can be very easily cooked like fresh vegetables. Mikrobiolohichny zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1993) Serge Voychuk. 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The results of EEG and analyses of the structure of the brain after radiation have also confirmed the influence of microwaves. Singh S, Mani KV, Kapoor N. Effect of occupational EMF exposure from radar at two different frequency bands on plasma melatonin and serotonin levels. Xu et al. 1992;6:379. Cassel et al. Instead, the effects of exposure of hu-mans and other life forms must be deter-mined and used to set realistic permissi-ble exposure limits. California Privacy Statement, Im HI, Kenny PJ. The hazard for human health from the electromagnetic radiations well be. The results showed that at 6h, 1 d and 3 d after exposure, the groups in which the average power density was 10mW/cm2 or 50mW/cm2 displayed significant deficits in spatial learning and memory. Jeong J. EEG dynamics in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Lnn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M. Long-term mobile phone use and brain tumor risk. Int J Radiat Biol. In broadcasting, the sources of microwaves are mainly FM radio and TV broadcasting antennas, which produce frequencies ranging from 80 to 800MHz. [72] found that 2.856GHz, 50mW/cm2 pulsed microwave radiation caused persistent spatial memory impairments, disordered neurotransmitters, and varying degrees of damage in the hippocampus and synapses. J Neuro. 2015;140:23646. The results were significant for the range from 12.518.0GHz with a service period greater than 10years. However, the problem with these studies is that different parameters, such as the frequency, modulation, and power density of the radiation and the irradiation time, were used to evaluate microwave radiation between studies. Am J Epidemiol. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005;1042:1018. 2004;2004:19. Dasdag S, Balci K, Celik M, Batun S, Kaplan A, Bolaman Z, et al. A metabolomic approach to screening urinary metabolites upon microwave exposure in monkeys. Ning W, Chiang H, Yang W. Effects of GSM 1800 MHz on dendritic development of cultured hippocampal neurons.
Dave Gorman Wall Of Eggs, Constance Seppala Daughter, Articles E