There were allegations that companies used collective pacts, which are collective contracts with nonunionized workers, to prevent unionization and collective bargaining because only one collective contract may exist in each workplace. The government prosecuted some officials who committed abuses, including government corruption, but a weak judicial system and corruption were major obstacles to obtaining convictions. -threat location for terrorism directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Schools were closed in March 2020 and had not yet returned to full in-person classes by September 2021. Download the State Departments Crime Victims Assistance brochure. Administrative penalties were insufficient to deter violations and were rarely enforced. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. Cruise ship industry contacts report that approximately one million U.S. citizens enter the country by ship every year, primarily in Roatn, but also in La Ceiba on the northern coast. While there are no areas in major urban cities free of violent crime, notably dangerous locations in Tegucigalpa include the areas surrounding Suyapa Cathedral, downtown Comayagela, downtown Tegucigalpa, and neighborhoods in the outskirts of the city that are generally controlled by gangs. Review OSACs reports, Road Safety Abroad, Driving Overseas: Best Practices, and Evasive Driving Techniques; and read the State Departments webpage on driving and road safety abroad. In 2019, seven others were convicted for carrying out the killing. Institutions such as the National Womens Institute attempted to enhance the governments response to domestic violence by opening three additional womens centers in the country. For more in-depth information, review OSACs. Most crime victims are members of rival gangs, small business owners who resist gang extortion, passengers on public transportation, or those involved in land tenure disputes. The law establishes prison sentences of up to two and one-half years for child abuse. On April 27, the Public Ministry filed an indictment against police officer Jarol Rolando Perdomo Sarmiento for the February 6 murder of Keyla Martinez in La Esperanza, Intibuca Department. In a 2020 survey by UNHCR and UNICEF, half of Hondurans interviewed in Mexico named violence as the main reason for their leaving. In 2020, hurricanes Eta and Iota forced more than 55,000 to move into temporary shelters, according to the Red Cross. Organized criminal groups, such as drug traffickers and local and transnational gangs including MS-13 and the 18th Street gang, committed killings, extortion, kidnappings, human trafficking, and intimidation of police, prosecutors, journalists, women, human rights defenders, and others. Review the State Departments webpage on security for travelers with disabilities. Avoid protests, which can quickly turn violent. Anticorruption efforts remained an area of concern, as did the governments ability to protect justice-sector officials, such as prosecutors and judges. The Cattrachas Lesbian Network reported 17 violent deaths of LGBTQI+ persons as of August. The Ministry of Securitys Directorate of Disciplinary Police Affairs investigated members of the Honduran National Police accused of human rights abuses. These tensions have resulted in intense protests and violence. Rochester Police Department shares 2022 annual report Seek legal representation before admitting or signing any legal form that acknowledges culpability. Fire Department Ambulance is fully equipped with emergency medical supplies and medical staff. Also see the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at The law prohibits the use of children younger than 18 for exhibitions or performances of a sexual nature or in the production of pornography. Major urban centers and drug trafficking routes experienced the highest rates of violence. Some nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) expressed concern regarding weak implementation of the law and limited resources available to operate the governments protection mechanism. Abuse of Migrants and Refugees: Transiting migrants and asylum seekers with pending cases were vulnerable to abuse and sexual exploitation by criminal organizations. Despite being considered the best private hospital in Tegucigalpa, it is not Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited; JCI is an independent, not-for-profit organization that evaluates and accredits healthcare organizations. Counterfeit products are predominately but not solely in the pharmaceutical and apparel industries. NGOs reported IDPs were at increased risk of victimization and exploitation by criminal groups, which was also often the cause of displacement. There is no information to suggest that criminals specifically target U.S. citizens or foreigners. The law mandates that authorities release detainees whose cases have not yet come to trial and whose time in pretrial detention already exceeds the maximum prison sentence for their alleged crime. The Office of the Inspector General of the Armed Forces and the Humanitarian Law Directorate investigated abuses by the military. The law presumes an accused person is innocent. The government investigated and prosecuted some of these crimes, but impunity was widespread. Land title procedures have been an issue leading to investment disputes involving U.S. nationals who are landowners. The U.S. Department of State strongly recommends purchasing international health insurance before traveling internationally. Always carry a mobile phone in case of emergency. On March 28, transgender activist Vanessa Zuniga was killed in Tela, Atlantida Department. Many activists report that crimes committed against the LGBTI+ community go unpunished. According to UNDP data, informal workers played a large role in nearly every industry, including agriculture and fishing; mining; manufacturing; utilities; construction; wholesale retail, hotels, and restaurants; transport and storage; and personal services. The government generally respected these provisions. In addition, Honduras is situated in an active seismic zone, so tremors are to be expected. However, visitors have reported being robbed while walking on isolated beaches. There was no information available on any major industrial accidents. The Jewish community numbered approximately 275 members. The Honduras Medical Center (HMC) is the primary private hospital that the Embassy uses for emergency response and when hospitalization is required. Share this via WhatsApp The law applies equally to citizens and foreigners, regardless of gender, and prescribes a maximum eight-hour shift per day for most workers, a 44-hour workweek, and at least one 24-hour rest period for every six days of work. in the past 12 months, 32% twice, 6% three times, and 3% more than three times. The national curfew instituted in response to COVID-19, however, limited the freedom of internal movement and affected the freedom to leave the country, including for individuals at risk of or subject to persecution or torture. Many inspectors asked workers to provide them with transportation so that they could conduct inspections, since the STSS could not pay for travel to worksites. Uniforms and vehicles are all clearly marked. The government did not restrict or disrupt access to the internet or censor online content, and there were no credible reports that the government monitored private online communications without appropriate legal authority. In June 2020, Congress passed a new penal code that introduced the crime of internal displacement, punishing, with prison sentences of six to nine years, those who, through violence or intimidation, force someone to abandon or change their place of living. Honduras fragile institutions fail to protect the rights of children, including adolescents, and ensure that they have access to basic services such as education and healthcare, the IACHR reported in 2019. EFR CPR/AED; Honduran law requires access to buildings for persons with disabilities; however, there are limited facilities for individuals with disabilities. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining, b. Cable signal theft and counterfeit products are the most prevalent violations of intellectual property rights in Honduras. Do not travel to Gracias a Dios Department due to crime. The CA-4 agreement among El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras allows for the inspection-free movement of citizens among these countries, reducing overall inspection at land crossings. On May 30, protesters blocked several main avenues in Tegucigalpa, including access to Toncontn International Airport (TGU). OSAC encourages travelers to, to gain baseline knowledge of security conditions in Honduras. for original OSAC reporting, consular messages, and contact information, some of which may be available only to private-sector representatives with an OSAC password. Assassinations and violence continue under military supervision. Penalties for the possession, use, or trafficking of illegal narcotics are strict; convicted offenders can expect lengthy jail sentences and fines. The law does not cover domestic workers, the vast majority of whom were women. In most prisons only inmates who purchased bottled water or had water filters in their cells had access to potable water. The average age of first contact with gangs is 13 years old, a 2020 UN Development Programme report found. Cruise ship industry contacts report that approximately one million U.S. citizens enter the country by ship every year, primarily in Roatn, but also in La Ceiba on the northern coast. Despite incremental progress, government capacities remained relatively nascent and limited. As of September the Public Ministry had received nine reports of racial or ethnic discrimination. On July 25, media reported individuals shot and killed Liberal Party congressional candidate and former congresswoman Carolina Echeverria Haylock in Tegucigalpa. The country does not appear to be a terrorist safe haven. The government allocated a budget of nearly 21 million lempiras ($865,000) for the continued operation of a protection mechanism for journalists, human rights defenders, and judicial-sector operators. In addition to complying with local laws, companies involved in natural resource extraction or energy generation should ensure they fully consult with communities in accordance with international standards. According to the Inter-American Press Association, 29 journalists were beneficiaries of official protective measures. 2018 toyota rav4 pros and cons. UNHCR Factsheet March 2022 - Honduras | ReliefWeb Honduras requires proof of Yellow Fever immunization if coming from another country endemic with Yellow Fever. On October 7, in a special session held during the Francisco Morazan national holiday, the National Congress passed a change to the penal code expanding the definition of encroachment (trespassing) by designating streets and parks as protected spaces and redefining groups of protesters to include as few as two persons. Riverdale, MD 20737. OSAC encourages travelers to use this report to gain baseline knowledge of security conditions in Honduras. Transgender persons are prohibited from changing their legal gender status. The law requires that persons with disabilities have access to buildings, but few buildings were accessible, and the government did not effectively implement laws or programs to provide such access. The law prohibits the sale, distribution, and use of emergency contraception for any reason, including for survivors of sexual violence. Marco Bogran, former director of INVEST-H, the Honduran government entity tasked with providing coronavirus pandemic relief contracts to private firms, remained in pretrial detention awaiting his next court appearance, scheduled for January 31, 2022. The location and timing of criminal activity are unpredictable. Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in close to 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice, Human Rights Watch is a 501(C)(3)nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 13-2875808, Internal Displacement, Migration, and Asylum. However, protesters will also block, key intercity transportation routes and intracity intersections with burning tires, rocks and other debris, to include the roads leading to the international airports in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, and the CA-5 and CA-11 highways. honduras crime and safety report 2021. by | Jan 19, 2023 | excluded values calculator | h10 rubicon palace sea view room | Jan 19, 2023 | excluded values calculator | h10 rubicon palace sea view room The law provides for freedom of expression, including for members of the press and other media, with some restrictions, and the government generally respected this right. Violent gang activity, such as extortion, violent street crime, rape, and narcotics and human trafficking, is widespread. The Public Ministry also has the Special Prosecutors Office for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, Journalists, Social Communicators, and Justice Officials. The law grants prisoners the right to prompt access to a lawyer of their choice and, if indigent, to government-provided counsel, although the public defender mechanism was weak, and authorities did not always abide by these requirements. Voters elected Xiomara Castro of the LIBRE Party as president for a four-year term scheduled to begin in January 2022. International observers generally recognized the elections as free and fair. In addition the center estimated approximately 937,000 individuals were forcibly displaced by natural disasters during 2020. LGBTQI+ rights groups asserted that government agencies and private employers engaged in discriminatory hiring practices. The government failed to control pervasive gang-related violence and criminal activity within the prisons. Avoid protests, which can quickly turn violent. Honduras - U.S. Department of State - United States Department of State There were credible reports that members of the security forces committed some abuses. The Military Police of Public Order report to military authorities but conduct operations sanctioned by civilian security officials as well as by military leaders. Observers noted several significant improvements in transparency procedures, including electoral reforms, an updated voter registry and new national identification cards, and new technology that included a biometric verification system and a preliminary results transmission system. Reproductive Rights: There were no reports of coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization on the part of government authorities. Major cities connect via an inconsistently maintained, two-lane system of paved roads, with many unpaved secondary roads. The law prohibits all forms of forced labor, but the government did not effectively implement or enforce the law. Local police and emergency services lack sufficient resources to respond effectively to serious crime. Government Human Rights Bodies: A semiautonomous commissioner for human rights, Blanca Izaguirre, served as an ombudsperson and investigated complaints of human rights abuses. Abortion is illegal in Honduras under all circumstances, with prison sentences of up to six years. Historically, corruption has been pervasive in government procurement, issuance of government permits, customs, real estate transactions (particularly land title transfers), performance requirements, and the regulatory system. In-country Movement: There were areas where authorities could not assure freedom of movement because of criminal activity and a lack of significant government presence. Honduras received support from the Millennium Challenge Corporation in the development of an e-procurement platform and public procurement auditing. The secretariat reported assisting 127 IDPs as of August. See the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at The groups most likely to be internally displaced are children subjected to forced gang recruitment, professionals and business owners who face extortion, domestic violence survivors, and LGBT people and members of ethnic minorities who face violence and discrimination, the IACHR has reported.
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